KETO-HEPA Bolus contains ingredients that provide easily digestible energy and stimulate processes occurring in the rumen, which has an impact on reducing energy deficit and reducing the risk of ketosis. The content of methionine and carnitine and herbal extracts from artichoke and milk thistle allows for support of liver function and regeneration, additionally protecting from fatty liver disease
The bolus consists of two parts, differing in the speed of decomposition in the rumen:
- the fast-release part provides quickly digestible energy,
- the slow-release part provides ingredients that support liver function and limit the amount of ketone bodies.

- calcium propionate and sodium propionate provide quickly digestible energy – they have an alkaline effect on the rumen environment, increase dry matter intake,
- niacin – limits excessive mobilization of fatty acids and their release from adipose tissue,
- herbal extracts from milk thistle and artichoke – stabilize the work and support the regeneration of liver cells and, when combined, have an immunostimulating effect,
- L-methionine and L-carnitine – improve energy processes and reduce fatty liver,
- selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A – support immunity, reduce the number of cases of mastitis, retained placenta after delivery and the risk of uterine inflammation,
- live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae – increase digestibility and energy utilization from feed
- Vit. B12 – supports carbohydrate metabolism in the liver and stimulates immune processes,
- cobalt – supports the development of bacterial flora in the rumen, necessary for the synthesis of vitamin B12
Energy deficiencies in dairy cows in the perinatal period can often lead to ketosis and, consequently, to fatty liver disease.

Cows that enter the dry period fattened are particularly susceptible to ketosis.
KETO-HEPA Bolus is a combination of an energy bolus containing anti-ketogenic ingredients: sodium and calcium propionates – easily digestible sources of energy and niacin, which increases glucose concentration. The bolus has been ADDITIONALLY enriched with herbal extracts from milk thistle and artichoke, which stabilize liver function and support liver cell regeneration. L-methionine and L-carnitine contained in the bolus improve energy processes and reduce fatty liver disease.