Masti-farm bolus



Two parts bolus, 100% of the ingredients are digestible.


Weight 165 g,
height 120 mm,
Ø 33 mm.


Allicin, salicin, trace elements and vitamins


Each bolus secured in plastic tube. Four boluses in one box.

An increase in the number of SCC cells > 200,000/ml of milk is an ALARM condition that may indicate a subclinical inflammation of the udder, which causes a decrease in milk yield, depending on age and lactation, from 150 – 400 liters of milk per year.

Increased levels of SCC cells in milk, in addition to a decrease in milk yield, changes in the biochemical composition of milk are progressing. Deterioration of milk quality and its usefulness in the technological process, e.g. cheese production

Subclinical mastitis is a big breeding and economic problem in dairy farms, due to the decrease in
milk production, the increase in treatment costs, and the costs of culling cows from the herd.
Antibiotics can be used in acute inflammatory conditions of udder diseases.

MASTI FARM Bolus – an alternative, natural method to reduce the level of bacteria and somatic cells in milk.
Healthier udder = more milk

Bolus contains garlic extract with the following properties:

  • bactericidal,
  • virucidal,
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Garlic, in addition to allicin, contains biologically active substances – niacin, vitamins including A, B, C, and microelements Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, which have a positive effect on the health status of the mammary gland.
  • The white willow bark extract contained in the bolus contains a large amount of salicylic acid, which is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has an antipyretic effect, and limits the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the body.
  • Vitamin E and selenium Se have antioxidant properties, while zinc Zn has a positive effect on reducing the number of somatic cells in milk, positively affecting the health status of the udder.

Masti Farm Bolus Practical use:

  • During the dry period, to improve the immune status (elimination of inflammation – salicylic acid) and reduce the risk of Mastitis in the first weeks of lactation
  • In lactation for cows that have an increased somatic cell count but there is no indication for antibiotic treatment yet (subclinical
  • In lactation for cows, which somatic cell count is unstable based on the history results
  • During antibiotic treatment to shorten the treatment duration or immediately after antibiotic therapy to reduce the risk of re-infection and support immunity (antibiotics and previous infection weaken the body’s immunity).