Bolus MASTI-FARM – an alternative, natural method to reduce the level of bacteria and somatic cells in milk
‼️ Subclinical conditions of udder diseases ‼️ – lead to breeding and economic problems on farms, due to a decrease in milk production, an increase in treatment costs, and the costs of culling cows from the herd.
MASTI FARM Bolus – an alternative, natural method to reduce the level of bacteria and somatic cells in milk.
Healthier udder = more milk
Bolus contains garlic extract with the following properties:
- bactericidal,
- virucidal,
- anti-inflammatory

- Garlic, in addition to allicin, contains biologically active substances – niacin, vitamins including A, B, C, and microelements Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, which have a positive effect on the health status of the mammary gland.
- The white willow bark extract contained in the bolus contains a large amount of salicylic acid, which is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has an antipyretic effect, and limits the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the body.
- Vitamin E and selenium Se have antioxidant properties, while zinc Zn has a positive effect on reducing the number of somatic cells in milk, positively affecting the health status of the udder.
The effectiveness of Bolus MASTI-FARM confirmed by in vivo research!
The study was conducted in vivo under the supervision of Dr Marcin Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW, Department of Animal Breeding, SGGW in Warsaw. The experiment was conducted on cows characterized by a level of SCC <400 thousand/ml in the month preceding the start of the experiment and SCC >700 thousand/ml in the month of the beginning of the bolus administration. A single application of the bolus had a positive effect on the health of the udder of cows with fresh mastitis. The use of the bolus contributed to a reduction of SCC from 815 thousand/ml to 300 thousand/ml in the group of cows studied. In the case of subclinical inflammation with an increase in SCC from > 400,000 to a level of approximately >1-2 million, a single application of Masti Farm bolus in lactating cows may be a very good practical solution as an alternative to antibiotic therapy. At the same time, the bolus did not have a negative effect on the technological parameters of milk and the health of cows.